Make our May Match! image

Make our May Match!

Donate now to be a part of our May Match.

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

Big Goals and we NEED YOU!

What a spring we have had taking in new rescues! You've helped us with MJ's surgery and Caddo's target practice recovery, but there's always more! As we move into the summer months the reality is donations decrease and yet our operations get harder. We care for our rescues 24/7, rain, shine, heat or cold and it's most important to us that they are given the best care possible.

This May Match is your opportunity to help us meet our goal of $80,000 in donations which has already been pledged for a match!! An additional $160,000 will help us provide the needed care for each of our rescues.

We appreciate every and any amount you can provide toward our mission and continuing to spread awareness of who we are and what we're doing as a No-Kill Shelter & Sanctuary.